Onderhoud website

Vanaf 2 november is onze website 1-2 dagen niet bereikbaar. Onze winkels zijn gewoon open.

Op dit moment ervaren wij problemen bij het afrekenen op onze webshop. We zijn hard bezig om het op te lossen. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.

Wegens onderhoud aan de website is bestellen nu tijdelijk niet mogelijk. 

Wegens onderhoud kan de bezorging van je bestelling 1 tot 2 weken langer duren 





Fair Wear Foundation Brand Performance Check: 'Good' rating for Zeeman.

Alphen aan den Rijn, 1 July 2021

Fair Wear Foundation Brand Performance Check: 'Good' rating for Zeeman.

Since october 2019 we are member of the Fair Wear Foundation. Together we are committed to further improving the conditions in the textile industry. Every year, Fair Wear will review our efforts by measuring how well we have assessed, identified and resolved issues in our supply-chain.  In 2020 the Brand Performance Check was carried out for the first time since our membership. Despite the challenging year, we have received the 'Good' rating, which means that we are well on the way. Of course there are also areas for improvement, which help us determine the next steps. Read the full brand performance check report here: https://www.fairwear.org/brands/zeeman/